SMS mounting component - for projector - white

SKU AE060001
Product Description:SMS mounting component - for projector - white
Product Type:Mounting component
Mounting Components:Suspended ceiling plate
Dimensions (WxDxH):61.9 cm x 20.7 cm x 3.2 cm
Recommended Use:Projector
Max Load Weight:20 kg
  • Specifications
  • Description
Width:61.9 cm
Depth:20.7 cm
Height:3.2 cm
AV Furniture
Type:Mounting component
Mounting Components:Suspended ceiling plate
Recommended Use:Projector
Max Load Weight:20 kg
Manufacturer Warranty
Service & Support:Limited warranty - 5 years
vis mere
SMS suspended ceiling plate is used for mounting popular projector brackets in suspended ceilings. The ceiling plate is attached to the suspended ceiling bars and facilitates a quick installation.

The technical details come from 3rd party. edgemo is not responsible for any errors.
